Last Updated: Mar 14, 2024

Visit Awa Shrine

Chiba Prefecture & the Boso Peninsula

Donny Kimball
8 min readMar 19, 2023


Awa Jinja (安房 神社) in Tateyama Chiba has long enshrined Amenotomi-no-Mikoto, a kami who was the ancestor to the powerful Fujiwara clan.

For some reason, whenever I get overwhelmed by the challenges of life, I always find myself heading down to Chiba Prefecture’s bucolic Boso Peninsula. Last time this happened, I made a much-needed escape to Katsuura. Recently though, life dealt me another critical blow and I knew I needed to withdraw from the insanity for a minute to put my life back together. Following tradition, I again fled down to the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula to recover. While down there, I managed to cross Awa Shrine off of my bucket list, a hidden gem in southern Chiba Prefecture that has long been luring my attention.

Alas, you, dear readers, are not here to listen to me bemoan my trials and tribulations. Instead, you’re here to learn about off the beaten path destinations in Japan! Luckily, Awa Shrine is just such a place. According to shrine tradition, it was one of two Shinto sanctuaries in Awa Province that held the title of ichinomiya (meaning head shrine of the region). Little is known about Awa Shrine’s foundation though. The records that we do have allege that it was established as far back as 2,670 years ago by the forefathers of the Imbe clan, an influential family that were the precursors to the mighty Fujiwara family that eventually ruled Japan as regents.



Donny Kimball

I'm a travel writer and freelance digital marketer who blogs about the sides of Japan that you can't find in the mainstream media.