Last Updated: May 19, 2024

Kyoto’s Magical Miyama

Kayabuki-no-Sato & So Much More

Donny Kimball
8 min readMay 19, 2024


This small town in Miyama is known as the Kayabuki-no-Sato and is absolutely enchanting to behold, especially when you compare its charm to the crowds of central Kyoto City.
This story was originally published on and has been syndicated here on Medium.

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately, you’ve probably already heard that Japan has a bit of an overtourism problem. As you might imagine, the issue is especially prevalent in the big cities, with Kyoto in particular bearing much of the brunt of the demand. While the historical locations and…



Donny Kimball

I'm a travel writer and freelance digital marketer who blogs about the sides of Japan that you can't find in the mainstream media.